Systemic Coaching: How to better understand yourself and others

Would you like to understand yourself and others better? In my last blog post, I explained the concept of systemic coaching. Today I would like to show you how this approach can help us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


As humans, we live in a social context. This influences our behavior and our perceptions. Systemic coaching therefore views all aspects of our lives – be it personal, professional, emotional or social – as interconnected and influenced. This enables us to better understand our actions, as no system is detached from one another.

Change of perspective:

If we succeed in recognizing a different future as conceivable or putting ourselves in the shoes of others, we develop an understanding for the behaviour of others and can develop alternative options for action. A change of perspective therefore promotes both empathy and our own scope for action.

Asking questions:

By asking questions, coaching encourages reflection and self-discovery. This makes us think more about our behavior, feelings and thoughts. What motivates us and others to act the way we do?

Feedback and reflection:

Feedback is used to recognize and reflect on behavioral patterns. This can help to promote personal growth and change.

Resource orientation:

Systemic coaching focuses on a person’s strengths and resources. This helps to support positive change and develop solutions.

Contextualization of behaviour:

Systemic coaching looks at behavior and reactions in the context of their environment and relationships. This develops a deeper understanding of the reasons behind the behavior.


It may be challenging to consider all these aspects in your everyday life. But by making a conscious decision to regularly integrate one of these points into your everyday life, you will experience positive changes in your self-image and your communication with others. I look forward to your feedback.

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